Robert Cornish

Robert Cornish


Robert Cornish has extensive knowledge and experience in many different areas of the surveying field specialising in:

  • Surveys for high rise construction
  • Quality horizontal and vertical control transfer techniques
  • High accuracy monitoring projects with follow-up results reporting and charting
  • Large topographical 3D detail and level surveys
  • Broad understanding of local Council GFA definitions, calculation methodology and follow-up reporting

In addition, Robert has an excellent rapport with staff, clients and the professional associates he deals with on a daily basis. His business acumen and friendly, professional communication style fosters a high level of confidence with all stakeholders.

Robert joined JBW Surveyors in September 1990, became a Director in July 1999, and maintains an exceptional professional standing within the surveying fraternity.

Robert currently holds the position of Director on the Board of the Institution of Surveyors NSW (ISNSW) and has been involved in committees, either as a member or chairman for the Institution over the past 15 years. Robert has also held the position of President of the Institution of Engineering and Mining Surveyors NSW (IEMS) prior to that Institution merging with ISNSW.

Robert is responsible for various management roles within the business and provides direction and support in key areas such as:

  • Construction – client liaison, organise staff, check procedures, assist staff with difficult tasks
  • Financial control – budgeting, company records, wages, superannuation, BAS and basic understanding of accounting procedures
  • Human Resources – recruitment, policy updates and award entitlements
  • Fleet management – vehicle purchases and leasing arrangements, manage accident claims, maintain service records
  • Work Health and Safety (WHS) – management of documentation, reporting, review current legislative requirements, ongoing education of staff